Friday morning just before we left
Clark and Daddy in the Uhaul
Kate with her Tic Tacs she got in her travel kit from Nana
We stopped just passed the Utah border in Kanab and stayed the night there. I thought it would be bad having all of us in the same room, but the kids were so worn out- they fell right asleep. We left Kanab about 7:30am. At about 8:30am in the middle of no where Kate threw up everything she ate for breakfast! We pulled over on the side of the road and used almost a whole tub of wipes to get her and the car seat "clean". Luckily I had clean clothes accessible, but the car did stink for a while.
About 11am one of the tires on the Uhaul blew. We were on the I-15 coming through southern Utah, and there wasn't much around. I thought for sure we'd be stuck out there for a few hours waiting for a service truck to come and fix the wheel. But as you'll see the tender mercy's of the Lord were upon us. I had been prompted to turn off my cell phone and save the battery( Ryan's was already dead). That's tender mercy number one. So we had cell phone reception and battery enough to call Uhaul. Tender mercy number 2. Come to find out that there was a tire service station about 10 miles ahead that was a Uhaul dealer that could fix it. Tender mercy number 3. The tire that blew was a back tire, the truck was a dualie (had two back tires on both sides) so we were able to drive on the one good tire into the service station to get fixed. Tender mercy number 4. So what could've been a huge set back, was only about a half and hour delay.
We got to our house in Lehi about 2pm and started unpacking. We had a few neighbors come over and help us unload. We finished about 3pm, just before a huge storm hit. The temperature dropped to about 58 degrees. WELCOME TO UTAH!!!
AAAAAAAHHHH it is sooo good to hear from you! I realy miss you guys!!!!! Keep the blog updated with LOTS of vidoes and pics.!!!!
Don't let the kids forget me !!!!!!!!
I second that motion! I'm glad to see you are with internet again!
Hello my friend!! I can't believe your crazy move story! I'm glad you had kind neighbors come help unpack. Keep us updated. We miss you.
Wow! What a move! That is so good that such a horrible/scary situation with the Uhaul went probably as well as it possibly could have! I'm so glad you made it safely and are settling in! Keep the blogging coming! Love to hear about your adventures in N. Utah!
We missed you guys on Saturday! It just wasn't the 4th without you!! I hope you guys are enjoying your time away!!! We really do miss you and the kiddos!!
I might be coming up with the kids soon. If you need anything from AZ that you forgot let me know and we could probably bring it for you. Maybe Evelyn could hitch a ride with us if she's up for it! Glad you got there safe and sound and I can't believe how big the kids are!
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