Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Look at Those Chubby Legs"

That's what I hear any time someone sees Charly. It doesn't bother me one bit. I love having a chubby baby, although I don't love having to buy her new clothes all the time. She is 4 months old wearing 9 month clothing. When Kate was wearing 9 month clothing she was army crawling everywhere and her clothes got destroyed, so the only hand-me-downs I have are a few dresses. When Charly went to her 4 month check up, Dr. Hayden asked me," Is she rolling over yet?" I said no, and he replied, "Well, she is kinda chubby!" It takes a lot of energy to roll over when you are only 4 months old and weigh 17lbs! I do love my little Charly and she loves her Daddy. Most nights if she gets fussy, Ryan can take her away from me and she calms right down. I tell him he should just take over during the day time too! She is a happy baby, loves Kate and Clark and is working on sleeping through the night. At 17 lbs,  it's not like she needs food in the middle of the night! So I started giving her water when she wakes up, and now she is going from 7-8pm till 5am without eating (she will still wake up, but I can get her right back to sleep). Here's some pics of our chunky baby- and if you want to squeeze her thighs, I'm gonna start charging money. I could make some serious cash. 

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