Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pumpkin Pie in July

Yes, these pumpkins are from my garden and no, I have no idea what I'm going to do with them all! The last time I had pumpkin in my garden, I planted them a little late so that the pumpkins would be ready for Halloween, although it didn't work as planned. It was too hot for the plant to flower until September, and then only one actually turned into the pumpkin. So we didn't have a pumpkin until November. So this year I decided to plant 2 pumpkin plants and start them a little earlier. So that's why I have 8 pumpkins! If you would like to have one to cook up and save the pumpkin for later- let me know! I'd be happy to share!


The Montgomerys said...

I love your pumpkin pie!

Nancy Pitney said...

heck yes! Pumpkin pie with fresh pumpkin is the way to go. I'll take one!

The Weights said...

I am super impressed!! None of my pumpkins worked last year! Looks I know who to turn to for advice!! NICE!!