I was scheduled to deliver baby Jay on Monday October 10th via C-section. All of my babies have been born C-section, as they have all been breach. Thursday October 4th, about 3am I started having contractions 10 minutes apart. Now, I had never gone into labor, having scheduled all of my C-sections, so I was quite unsure what to do when I started having contractions. I told Ryan to go to work and that I'd call him if they got closer together. When he got to work he told his boss what was going on and was told to just go home. With Ryan back home for the day, we got the kids to school and went to WalMart to do my last minute grocery shopping. The contractions continued to be about 8-10 minutes apart the whole day until about 3pm, when they moved to about 5 minutes apart. I called Dr. Beck to see what to do and he told me to wait until they were under 5 minutes apart and a minute in length. Ryan wanted me to go to the hospital then, but I had been planning on going to this huge consignment sale and didn't want to miss this great shopping opportunity, and didn't want to go to the hospital just yet. We picked up the kids from school and met up with my Mom, who took me to the consignment sale. There were a few things I needed for baby, but really I just wanted to go and look to see what I could find. I am a bargain/thrift shopper at heart and love finding cheap stuff. So I did end up getting the things I needed and a few things for the other kids, including a bike for Clark for his upcoming birthday. While there my contractions were 3 minutes apart and a minute long, so I knew we needed to get out of there. My mom was a little more concerned than I was- as I really didn't know how fast I would progress- and was worried we'd get to the hospital in time. Ryan was at Clarks soccer practice with all the kids and the plan was to meet him at home and then he and I would go to the hospital. My wise Mother insisted that she take me to the hospital right then, and while I thought she was overreacting, I'm glad now that she did. As soon as we got to the hospital and I was admitted the contractions got increasingly more painful and I was somewhat shocked as to how bad it hurt. The nurses checked me and I was already dilated to a 5 and ready to go. As the nurses and staff frantically tried to get me ready for my C-section, my contractions got closer together and more and more painful. They had to try 3 times to get the IV in, and with a C-section they have to have a few viles of your blood on hand, and tried 2 more times to get my blood. By this time Ryan is at the hospital and absolutely livid that the nurses are poking me so much. I'm pretty sure it was just the pressure of trying to poke me between contractions that made it difficult for the nurses, as my veins are as big as the Mississippi River.
They finally get everything they need, I signed my life away to get the spinal anestiseia, Dr. Beck showed up and they wheeled me back to the OR. I was thrilled to get to the OR so they could do the spinal and the pain would stop. Then at 7:48pm, Baby Jay was born. 7lbs 7oz and 21 inches long. The first thing everyone said when they pulled him out was, "Look at all that hair!" He has the most hair of any of my babies and by far the darkest.
Now it wasn't until Saturday that we decided on a name. We had it narrowed down, but couldn't quite decide. The final decision was Jay Roger Johnson. Jay is actually Ryan's first name (although he never went by Jay) and Roger is my Dad's first name. Ryan kinda wanted to call him J. R., but we've only ever called him Jay. Maybe as he gets older JR will become his nickname.
1 comment:
Congratulations! What a sweet baby, love all his hair!
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